Thanks Jesus. Not. I am not very happy with your wise words that I am to love my enemies.
Even if this person I have to endure is a horrible, amoral and pathetic life mass called a scumbag collection attorney. But, I am not going to risk eternal damnation like this one asshole on the planet earth is.
It is ok with me if you send Todd Allen to hell. Ditto for that federal judge that wants to sanction me over some missing ellipses.
I really do not like this person, that much. And you are telling me I have to love him? Good grief. It merely makes me wonder what the future holds for Todd or Toad Allen. Is he actually going to redeem himself and act as a loving human being. I hope so.
So, help Todd Allen God. He needs to be redeemed and stop being so amoral and pathetic.
In closing, I am not happy about what Jesus wants me to do, but for the record, I listen to the words of Jesus. Therefore, somehow I love Todd Allen, despite what he does for a living.
The word.
Even if this person I have to endure is a horrible, amoral and pathetic life mass called a scumbag collection attorney. But, I am not going to risk eternal damnation like this one asshole on the planet earth is.
It is ok with me if you send Todd Allen to hell. Ditto for that federal judge that wants to sanction me over some missing ellipses.
I really do not like this person, that much. And you are telling me I have to love him? Good grief. It merely makes me wonder what the future holds for Todd or Toad Allen. Is he actually going to redeem himself and act as a loving human being. I hope so.
So, help Todd Allen God. He needs to be redeemed and stop being so amoral and pathetic.
In closing, I am not happy about what Jesus wants me to do, but for the record, I listen to the words of Jesus. Therefore, somehow I love Todd Allen, despite what he does for a living.
The word.
I understand that the guy that posted this is running for Congress? Dirty politicians are worse than collections attorneys, and this guy just proved it.
ReplyDeleteAmen Brother - AMEN!!!!
DeleteYou are absolutely right. I am a dirty politician and I have earned it. I have to endure enough garbage, I should write about it. Another coward hiding behind the title, anonymous. Come on. Post your real name.
DeleteStand up and be accountable for your posts.
I have to deal with all these critics merely because I want to make the United States a better place for all of us. I am used to being attacked politically. It is all part of the congressional election process.
DeleteBring it on bitch. What office are you running for. And I have no problem expressing my beliefs. Why?
Because I am not a coward. To negative attacks, I am used to this. Like I am worried. I am too old to give a rat's ass what anonymous cowardly people write.
Tom Scherer touches little boys and I have evidence of this and am turning over to the police. He also masturbates to animal pornography and enjoys black dong.
ReplyDeleteBring on your evidence.
DeleteThe poster above is clearly an expert on masturbation. In Kansas, we called posters like this as a jackoff. Not worth paying much attention to their ad homimen attacks. Mainly garbage.
DeleteTom - just reading the above. I don't know who did it but it's not cool. Despite what our difference, this isn't appropriate.
ReplyDeleteToad, when and who gave you the authority and delegated to you this broad and immense power to determine what is and is not appropriate. When did you become a judge? I thought the height of your fame was limited to being a scumbag lawyer. Regardless, per Jesus, I am forced to still love you. Why, only Jesus can make a rational argument on why.
DeleteTo Toad: I am just getting started. Are you worried?
DeleteYou will be when this blog goes international.
Love all those racist comments and the bigotry.
Toad, we are going to the United States Supreme Court. Are you worried? You should be, and so should your client. The cheap attorney trick your law firm pulled to avoid a depositon to avoid me filing a partial sum judgment is despicable.
DeleteI have never to endure a cheaper, amoral attorney trick in any court case in America. Numbering what? About 300 cases to date. Check Pacer so you can clearly see who you are dealing with. Other attorneys did and hence, why they were smart enough to settle quickly.
Toad is delusional and thinks he is a good attorney because of his brief 14 minutes of fame taking on Bank of America. BFD. Tood has never prevailed in the United States Supreme Court. I have. SCOTUS likes me. Toad Allen, per SCOTUS, who the fuck is that. Never heard of the dude. Scherer, we know him well. Even SCOTUS respects me because I fight for people's rights. If you doubt this statement, call Gary Kemp, Asst. Clerk of SCOTUS. Or, Jeff Adkins, docketing supervisor at SCOTUS. Want their phone number, or alternatively their email.
DeleteI am pretty happy I get the respect of the United States Supreme Court. I earned their respect.
Toad, at this stage, do you really think I care about your opinion?
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Todd has been sharing all your posts on his personal Facebook page and bragging about it. He's loving every minute of this. Just thought you should know...
ReplyDeleteI don't think your plan worked.
Jim, as an expert on me, what is my plan?
DeleteTom, I'm the only reason your blog is getting any attention. I have been putting it on my Facebook page because you are so delusional and it's hilarious.
ReplyDeleteIt is pretty funny. Delusional, hardly. Wait and see. We have a long way. Thanks for putting it on Facebook. Are you going to add that to your billable hours? How much do I allegedly own you scumbags now?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the real story on your client being foreclosed? I cannot find any data on that fact. Does this mean your law firm does not get paid by them or me. Sounds right to me. Your law firm is screwed in either situation.
Todd, I thought you posted the drivel above. Sorry, I erred. I am so used to ridiculus blog posts, this is nothing. You should have seen my blogs from KS. To date, this one is still at the lame stage. And I had all the fun of a blog war back in Kansas City. The war spread to other blogs. Went on for quite some time.
ReplyDeleteOne of the bloggers running a blog for democrats, was a city council dude. Dude ended up in jail and his blog went dead all of a sudden. I have been blogging before it was even called blogging.
My best post was read had a hit of over a million. Including some very key people in DC. The blog host was a famous person out of CA. Name was Tom Woods. His name is probably still the same. Not sure what he is up to lately. Probably still busy overseeing the universities of CA as one of their NAS scholars. Woods is famous for authoring CA Prop 209. There were a whole bunch of us fighting affirmative action many years ago-a subtle form of unequal access in college admissions based on one's skin color. The dean at my law school told me he disagreed with our position. Too bad SCOTUS did not agree with the dean. Dean gone. I am still here. Just not in law school. Will always be a law student. That cannot ever be taken away.
Too bad SCOTUS does not believe in equal access to give oral argument. Their theory is that you can get a lawyer that is a member of the Supreme Court and so SCOTUS will probably never let me give oral argument. But I am going to ask them for an exception to this practice, here real soon. I think I have earned the right to give oral argument at SCOTUS. I doubt SCOTUS will allow me an exception, but they might. Like I stated, they like me up there. For good reason-not a money grubbing scumbag attorney. Hence, why I got docketed with them. SCOTUS gets it. They understand what I have to endure as a person with known disabilites. For the last 17 years or so, I have merely been telling SCOTUS what people like me have had to endure. Discrimination based on being a disabled person is something I have to deal with almost every day.
ReplyDeleteI am not whining about-I endure the discrimination and make the best I can, regardless of it. A few judges get it-including some of those judges we call justices of the United States Supreme Court. I am merely telling them a long and drawn out story of what all of us that have to endure what we do, is like. SCOTUS understands this kind of logic. Or, at least they did. I am sick and tired of litigation. I want to do something else. Like go fishing. I did not move to FL to be involved in so many cases. Clearly, my intent was to semi-retire. I am even getting tired of politics. I just do not want to be single anymore. Retire and become self-centered and enjoy the rest of my life peacefully. To that end, it is fair to state I am my own worst enemy. My goal in life, or my highest aspiration was to prevail at SCOTUS just once, and by doing so, change our nation. To date, I have not succeeded. But then again, I am not dead yet and merely have another opportunity.
I tried to get a case docketed with SCOTUS against the VA. From the Federal Circuit. I wanted SCOTUS to define what expeditious means applied to VA remands. When you have an adjudication process as bad as the VA system is, after so many remands, the judges at the BVA order a VA claim to be treated expeditiously. What this means is a case folder gets highlighted in yellow. Wow. BFD. I am now going before the BVA again, on the 10th or 11th remand order from Washington. SCOTUS does not like it when you go after a federal agency. I know-I have tried this several times, costing me a lot of money. Is suing a federal agency smart? From my experiences, it is merely an academic exercise in futility.
ReplyDeleteWe live in a crazy country, with few options to fix it.