I just got some statistical data here. A collection attorney is rated as having less morals and honor than a prostitute. Even prostitutes have some morals.
At least with a hooker, if she is legit, you get some pleasure out of the deal. With a collection attorney, the only thing you get is screwed with no pleasure.
I just got some statistical data here. A collection attorney is rated as having less morals and honor than a prostitute. Even prostitutes have some morals.
ReplyDeleteAt least with a hooker, if she is legit, you get some pleasure out of the deal. With a collection attorney, the only thing you get is screwed with no pleasure.
ReplyDeleteI admit this is a tough multi-part question. Making it really difficult for collection attorneys to respond.
ReplyDeleteSo, let me break this into pieces, without writing a complete brief.
Is a collection attorney noble? Of course not. They are a) attorneys and b) work for a collection company. Noble? Get real.
Is a collection attorney respected? Yes, but only by fellow collection attorneys.
Is being a collection attorney an honorable profession? Even an attorney can figure that out. Of course not.